DGL and ESZ 1.6 gotime!

Today is the 6th of Feb meaning that the DoGaming 1.6 League registrations have come to a close but that is not all. Electronic Sports Zone also have a 1.6 league planned for the year and registrations close tomorrow the 7th of Feb. In fact, it is due to ESZ that we even have 1.6 for the DoGaming League. Thanks to ESZ taking the initiative to make their Counter-Strike league 1.6 instead of sauce it made a few people in the local CS community start a movement which eventually lead to DoGaming making the switch to 1.6.

To sustain this surge into 1.6 of late, we need to support all 1.6 endeavors as best we can. Although there is not much time left to register all that is required is to simply email Pieter with your team name, lineup and up to TWO subs. For more information on the league head on over to the site and read BOTH pages.

As for DGL, groups have been released as well as week one and two’s fixtures for both Group A and B, keep checking back as the admins are hard at work with the fixtures and the page is constantly being updated.

Both DGL and ESZ 1.6 Leagues will be kicking off on Tuesday the 8th of Feb. Practice hard and good luck to everyone participating!


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1.6 is back!

Recently there has been a movement by a few of the community members to get DoGaming to change their year long league back to 1.6 after ESZ announced that their Counter-Strike comp would be 1.6.

Today, thankfully, DoGaming has announced that they are infact officially moving back to 1.6 and they plan on putting the full weight of the organisation behind 1.6.


Now that we as a community have gotten what we want from DoGaming, it is our turn to hold up our side of the bargain. We need to get as many teams registered for the league as possible to show DoGaming that it was not a mistake to make the switch. So far 18 teams have made the pledge to register for the league but there are still many people out there who are teamless and who are willing to play. If you are one of these people then please hop onto ShadowFire on IRC and join channel #CS1.6 where you may be able to find others to create a team with.

You may register your team here and if you don’t know how to register for the league then you can follow this guide and of course to register you need an account which you can register for here.

Please keep in mind that the only reason Call of Duty 4 gets bigger prize money than 1.6 is because supposedly they have more teams register than CS does, so why not try change that? Lets bring back the good old days as R50 000 prize money as well as a built PC for each member of the team. Lets make things happen.

Viva CS 1.6!

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